The Death of Your Unshed Self

The Death of Your Unshed Self



Acrylic, spray, LED, and resin on panel. Collab with Aakabo

So often I hear “that is just the way I am” or “I’m just built this way” or “I’ve been this way for ____ amount of years, it’s not going to change now.” And while it is important to embrace who you are, if who you are is actively making your life worse, making your relationship, friendships, or business relationships suffer, it is probably time to take accountability for that and work to change it. I’ve seen many people in my life, young and old, make profound changes for the better. I’ve also seen many people of all ages just stagnate and resign themselves to embody their worst characteristics for the rest of their lives. Change is so hard. It involves recognizing and facing the worst parts of yourself head on. However choosing not to do that is absolutely cowardly behavior.

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